Saturday 14 September 2013

Prairie dogs, cup cakes and fish !

Another busy day in Washington.  This morning we took one of the open-top buses to the zoo from Union Station - very enjoyable.  Took lots of photos.  We then caught another bus and went to "D.C. Cupcakes", a shop that Aimee really wanted to go to - she has seen on TV - Aimee bought us a box of 6, which we ate waiting for the next bus (extremely delicious).  Following that we went to the Aquarium - not a large one by any means, but interesting anyway.  Then back to Union Station, where we had a tea, then drove back here, for a much earlier night than usual - it is now only 7.30 p.m.
(1)  Prairie dogs at the zoo (like a Meerkat I guess).
(2)  The box of cakes that Aimee bought us.
(3)  The Aquarium.
(4)  Had to take a picture of yet another squirrel, which came up really close to us.

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