Wednesday 11 September 2013

Amish, pretzels and Noah !

Wow, what a day!  Loved touring the Amish country, loved going to the Amish shops, loved it all!   Obviously we were not able to take photos of the people themselves, but we were able to take photos of their buggies, their houses, their handiwork, etc.  It was all I thought it would be - and more!
We went to a pretzel factory, where an Amish lass showed us how to make pretzels - I was going to put a picture of MY pretzel with this blog, but you would only have laughed at my creation!  Good fun though.

Then later this afternoon, we went to "Sight and Sound" and saw the musical "Noah" - it was unbelievable - I have never seen anything like it.  A highlight of my whole life!  It was (of course) all about the story of Noah and his family.  The props and scenery were out of this world - it was like you were in the middle of the ark itself (3 storeys high).  And the animals!  Many of them real - some animated, but looked as real as you could get.  I guess I just can't explain it well enough to give you even a small idea of what it was like.  The place where it was held has had a number of musicals in the past - Jonah, Ruth - with Moses coming up - and also the Christmas story coming up. It was very true to the Bible Story of the flood - and very clearly gave a Gospel message - in fact the last scene was great.  The front of the ark faced the audience - the door of the ark was at the front of the ark.  Part of the left and right sides of the front of the ark disappeared below, leaving a large cross, with a risen Christ speaking about Himself being the resurrection and the life!!!  

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