Tuesday 24 September 2013

More Animal Kingdom, shows, scary ride (yes me!), character photos

This morning we visited Animal Kingdom for the 2nd time - seeing shows we didn't see the first time, the kids going on rides, and me being talked into going on a particular ride ("don't worry, you will like it!" - that's what they told me!).  Don't ask me what the ride was about (all I can tell you is that it had something to do with dinosaurs - I had my eyes closed the whole time, as the vehicle I was
in turned, swivelled, went up and down - I guess at least I can say I went on the ride!
One of the shows we went to was a Bird Flight Show - brilliant birds performing brilliant acts.  We also saw a Nemo Musical Show (which again was great, brilliant colours, great singing).  We came home for lunch, and now the rest of the family have gone back to Disney Epcot (for the 2nd time).  
I decided to have the afternoon and evening at home - giving my feet another rest!
(1)  Lemurs at Animal Kingdom.
(2)  Brilliant parrots from the Flight Show.
(3)  Jordan with a dinosaur.
(4)  Donald Duck catching fish (whoops - a shoe!)
(5)  Me with Russell & Dug.
(6)  Me with Mickey & Minnie on Safari

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