Friday 27 September 2013

Putt-putting, relaxing and Aimee & Jordan with characters

Not such a busy day (for me anyway).  This morning we went to another putt-putt - a real fun one - "Winter Summerland" - the theme being "Christmas".  All the golfing photos above are from there.  And guess what?  I didn't come last!  This time I actually came 2nd!!!  A much nicer day today (cloudy, therefore no sun, therefore a bit cooler and more comfortable).  We came home for lunch, then the rest of the family have gone back to one of the Disney attractions we have already been to (to hopefully catch a few characters they didn't see last time, go on a few favourite rides, and to see the night-time shows).  I decided to stay at home and relax.  I went for a walk around the shops on the complex where we are staying, and really haven't done too much this afternoon.  There is a also a restaurant on the complex, so I might go down there for tea.  I imagine I might be in bed before the others arrive home tonight.
The other photos were taken of the kids with various characters in the afternoon (photos taken by Wendy as I didn't go).

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