Monday 2 September 2013

Ground Zero

Spent our 2nd day in New York.  We caught the bus into the city again and took a tourist bus to the southern part of New York.  We got off at Ground Zero - went to the Ground Zero Museum, and then to the two big waterfalls (south and north) with the names of all those who died around the edge (see picture above).  Many people there. 

Then to Wall Street, then got back on the bus and toured some more of the southern part of New York - on the top deck of the bus (while it rained!).  We saw both the affluent and poorer areas.  Again, we got off the bus and went to Body World's Pulse, which was really interesting.  There were life-sized, 3-D bodies, showing how they are made up.  From there to Ten Pin Bowling - I won't give you my score, but just say that I was beaten soundly by both Wendy, Martin, Aimee and Jordan!  Then back home, off to tea near here, to shops nearby, and now back home again - 10 p.m.  I think we're just about all ready for bed again.

1 comment:

  1. Ground zero I'm sure was very moving, prayers said and that.
    Hope you at least knocked some bowling pins down Mum.
